The Survey Results Are In
March 1, 2012
A few weeks ago I posted a survey on my office Facebook page that I mentioned in this column. The question was – If someone offered you $1 million, would you allow all of your teeth to be removed? If you haven’t taken the survey and would like to, please go to the Facebook page listed at the end of this column. If the numbers change on this survey I will report them at a later date. For now, here are the results:
75% of respondents were female
12% are missing more than 2 teeth not including their wisdom teeth
75% of respondents consider themselves dentally healthy while the other 25% consider themselves “sort of” healthy
62% visit a dentist every 6 months
100% would not take the $1 million to have all of their teeth removed.
Although there was not one person who would allow all of their teeth to be removed, let’s look at who took this survey. First, it appears that most respondents were readers of this paper and probably frequent readers of this column. I would make a blanket statement that frequent readers of this column put their health relatively high on their priority list.
However, only 62% visit a dentist at least every 6 months. The national average is around 50%. It does surprise me that only 62% of those who are “more dentally educated” see a dentist at least every 6 months.
When I am quick enough to use them, I like to use analogies. I analogize with cars frequently. Teeth and cars are two things that we use daily and often take for granted until something goes wrong. Would you drive your car until something happened without ever changing the oil? What could possibly happen if you did that? It would probably mean catastrophe. You would probably be told that the car is junk and you need a new one or it would be very expensive to fix.
I see the same thing the mechanic sees. Failure to perform routine maintenance will lead to problems. The extent of the problems will depend on factors such as how well the car was built, how often it is used and/or abused, and how well YOU take care of it. Those who take meticulous care of their car and get regular routine maintenance will keep their car much longer and have many fewer problems along the way.
I was also a little surprised that no one would take the million for their teeth. For $1 million you could have as many dental implants as you wanted to replace the teeth and still have plenty of money left over. However, it is a long road that apparently no one is willing to go through.
In case you were wondering what my answer to the question would be, here it is. As a dentist, knowing what would be involved to take a dentally healthy person’s teeth out, I would also not take the million. The physical, and more importantly emotional toll that this would put on me is hard to put a price on.
We all take too many things that we rely on daily for granted. Think about the things in life that are important to you. Think about what it would mean in your life if they weren’t there. The moral of the story – take meticulous care of the things that are important in your life.
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