J. Peter St. Clair, DMD Blog
March 22, 2021
The commercial showed an image of animated artery walls clogging with particles of plaque clinging to one another, making the opening of the artery smaller and smaller. This is a visual that is easy to understand.
The second, and more subtle way to take this statement, is the doctor wishing that patients could see what happens to people over time, with and without compliance to taking medication or changing their diet. If patients could only understand and use the vast experiences of the doctor to make better decisions for themselves, wouldn’t everyone choose to do all the “right” things for a better and healthier life? Conventional wisdom would say “yes”, but reality says something different.
I have been photographing teeth since dental school…..a long time ago. So long ago, that I had to take the film to be developed to have slides made. When I tell a patient that I am going to take a series of pictures of their teeth, the response I often hear is, “I just had x-rays taken.” When I explain that they are pictures and not x-rays, it is not uncommon for the patient to ask, “Why?”, or say, “No one has ever done this before.” I explain that the photographs are used for documentation and communication.
Showing a patient visual images of their own teeth is by far the most powerful tool I use in practice. Patients often get frustrated when a dentist explains and recommends treatment they can’t see. You should be able to see and understand why something is recommended, even without a dental degree. Pictures help in telling the story, and help patients make better informed decisions.
When displaying the images and giving the patient a tour of their own mouth, the patient will often say, “Wow, that doesn’t look good. I can’t believe that is in my mouth.” Photographs help in explaining why things look the way they do. From there it is easier to explain to patients what to expect in the future. Photographs are invaluable for this exercise, and most patients appreciate being able to see what I see.
If a patient has not been to a dentist in a while, or is seeing a new dentist who is doing a complete exam, photographs help patients with decision making. It is important to try to get the patient to look beyond the pictures, and envision where they want to be 5, 10, 20+ years down the road. The goal is for the dentist to tie their experience together with where the patient is currently, where they are headed, and give them the opportunity to potentially change the course of their future.
This approach may be different for some patients. It is easy to get overwhelmed by any new approach, but it is important to keep an open mind. Photographs of your own mouth in the dental office are an important part of the doctor/patient relationship, because communication is the key to any relationship.
You, as a patient, should look beyond today and make choices for ANY aspect of your health based on where you want to be in the future. Take advantage of the knowledge you gain from all your experiences, and make decisions that you feel are right for you.
Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Newburyport dedicated to health-centered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them to him at jpstclair@stclairdmd.com. You can view all previously written columns at www.jpeterstclairdentistry.com/blog.
March 15, 2021
Patients will sometimes balk at treatment not covered by their dental insurance. Dentists will often hear, “Just do what my insurance covers. I don’t want anything extra.” In fact, a recent ADA poll showed that a lack of dental insurance was the #1 reason most patients gave for not visiting a dentist. So, here are some frequent questions patients often ask about dental insurance.
Why doesn’t my insurance cover all of the costs for my dental treatment?
Dental insurance isn’t really insurance (defined as a payment to cover the cost of a loss) at all. It is a monetary benefit, typically provided by an employer, to help their employees pay for routine dental treatment. “Dental Insurance”, which started in the 1970’s, was designed to cover a portion of the total cost of care. It has not changed very much since then. This usually leaves the patient with the responsibility to take some ownership in their dental health.
But my plan says that my exams and other procedures are covered at 100%.
That 100 percent is usually what the insurance carrier allows as payment towards a procedure, not what your dentist may actually charge. Dentist’s fees are usually a reflection of the level and quality of care in a particular office. Some cost more, some cost less, depending on the costs of running their office, how they pay their staff, the materials they use, etc. An employer usually selects a plan with a list of payments that corresponds to its desired premium cost per month. Therefore, there usually will be a portion not covered by your benefit plan.
If I always have to pay out-of-pocket, what good is my insurance?
Even a benefit that does not cover a large portion of the cost of what you need pays something. Any amount that reduces your out-of-pocket expense helps.
Why is there an annual maximum on what my plan will pay?
Although most maximum amounts have not changed in 50 years, a maximum limit is your insurance carrier’s way of controlling payments. Dental plans are different from medical plans, in that dentistry is needed frequently. Medical emergencies are rare. It is your dentist’s responsibility to recommend what you need.
Consider this: A typical medical insurance plan today can cost over $2000 per month, and still leave you with a $3000 deductible. The average dental plan costs $600 per year.
If my insurance won’t pay for this treatment, why should I have it done?
It is a mistake to let your benefits be your sole consideration when you make decisions about dental treatment. People who have lost their teeth often say that they would pay any amount of money to get them back. Your smile, facial attractiveness, ability to chew and enjoy food, and general sense of well-being are dependent on your teeth.
Other than complaining to your dental insurance company, or your Employee Benefits Coordinator, your best defense is to budget for dental care, or ask your dental office if they have payment plans to spread payment out over time……and most of all, keep regular maintenance appointments. The BEST dentistry is NO dentistry.
If you have any other insurance related questions please e-mail them to me.
Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Newburyport dedicated to health-centered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them to him at jpstclair@stclairdmd.com. You can view all previously written columns at www.jpeterstclairdentistry.com/blog.
March 8, 2021
According to an article published in the Journal of Periodontology, there is a strong relationship between stress and periodontal disease (gum disease). In addition to stress, other psychological factors such as anxiety, depression, and loneliness are linked to an increased likelihood of periodontal disease.
So how does stressing out about your next car payment, for example, lead to gum disease? Researchers believe that the hormone cortisol may be a factor. Cortisol, also known as the “stress hormone,” is secreted by the adrenal glands and is involved in many functions, including proper glucose metabolism, blood pressure regulation, insulin release for blood sugar maintenance, immune function, and inflammatory response. An earlier study published in the same journal the year before found that increased levels of cortisol can lead to more destruction of the gums and bone due to periodontal diseases.
Behavioral factors may also come into play. People who are under extreme amounts of stress, or suffering from depression, may be more likely to disregard good oral hygiene. We have seen the effects of this over the past year. They may even take on new behaviors that could negatively impact their oral health, such as the use of nicotine, alcohol, or drugs, all of which can affect the teeth and gums.
Your gums are not the only oral victims of stress. Another oral side effect is teeth grinding or clenching, which often occurs during sleep. This may lead to headaches, earaches, or toothaches. Facial muscles can become sore, and jaw joints tender. Besides causing discomfort, grinding and/or clenching can lead to severe tooth wear, loosening of teeth, and cracked or fractured teeth. Dentists have seen an overall increase in this over the past year.
It is important to find healthy things that help relieve stress. A regular exercise routine can do wonders for relieving stress, as well as having a balanced nutritious diet, and getting enough sleep. If you find it difficult to manage your stress you should talk to your physician. You should also make your dentist aware of your stress level to discuss any recommendations to help your dental health, which ultimately affect your overall health.
I’ll leave you this week with a quote from A. Cornelius Celsus’s DeMedicina. He wrote this around the birth of Jesus Christ, 2000 years ago. He was a Roman author and medical historian.
Live in rooms full of light.
Avoid Heavy food.
Be moderate in the drinking of wine.
Take massage, baths, exercise and gymnastics.
Fight insomnia with gentle rocking or the sound of running water.
Change surroundings and take long journeys.
Strictly avoid frightening ideas.
Indulge in cheerful conversation and amusements.
Listen to music.
Still good advice 2000 years later.
Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Newburyport dedicated to health-centered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them to him at jpstclair@stclairdmd.com. You can view all previously written columns at www.jpeterstclairdentistry.com/blog.
March 1, 2021
Yesterday, I went into one of my hygienist’s rooms to check her patient, a 13-year-old boy, and asked the hygienist how his home care was, because his gums were bright red. She said to me, “Jack, why don’t you tell the doctor how often you told me you brush your teeth.” The boy answered, “About once a week.” ONCE A WEEK?!?! Add the fact that he is in braces, which makes it even more important to keep the teeth clean.
It’s important sometimes to step back and review the basics, so here they are. At a minimum, you should brush with a fluoride toothpaste at least twice a day for two minutes. A good electric toothbrush is preferable to a manual toothbrush. When I say “good”, I mean one that sits on a charger, and not one that takes AA batteries. There are two major brands out there. I prefer the one that starts with an “O”.
It amazes me how many people don’t floss their teeth. I have heard every excuse in the book; “My fingers are too big”, “I don’t have the time”, “It’s too hard”, “My dog ate the floss”. Just like anything else, it is always hard to start a new ritual. There are so many different kinds of floss and gadgets to help floss that there is something out there for everyone. And if you can’t seem to make it work, use a water pik; it works better than floss anyway.
Bacteria, which accumulates on and between the teeth, forms that white film called plaque. Plaque contains billions of colonized bacteria. The right kind of bacteria, along with the wrong king of diet and the wrong genetics can produce cavities. Plaque that is not removed with thorough daily brushing and flossing can harden and turn into calculus (tartar). These colonized bacteria can then lead to tissue inflammation (gingivitis), the early stage of periodontal (gum) disease.
Brushing your teeth helps get rid of most of the plaque, except for the stuff that accumulates between the teeth. That is what floss and the water pik are for. I know it sounds gross but if you want to know what your breath smells like, floss a few teeth and then smell the floss. That should turn you into an avid flosser.
The routine should be, floss (water pik), brush, rinse. The whole event should be around five minutes. Believe me, you have five minutes. Cleaning between the teeth first allows the fluoride from the toothpaste to contact a cleaner tooth surface between the teeth. I prefer a non-alcohol-based rinse, as alcohol is drying and creates a better environment for bacteria to thrive.
If you do choose floss, technique is important. Proper flossing is not popping the floss between the teeth and shooting it right back up. The proper way to floss is to get the floss between the contact of the teeth, slide the floss gently under the gum tissue around one tooth, “shoe-shine” the side of the tooth, gently move the floss over the papilla (the little piece of gum between the teeth), “shoe-shine“ the side of the other tooth and then bring the floss up. At your next dental visit, ask your hygienist to evaluate your flossing skills to make sure you are doing it correctly.
You have the 5 minutes twice a day.
Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Newburyport dedicated to health-centered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them to him at jpstclair@stclairdmd.com. You can view all previously written columns at www.jpeterstclairdentistry.com/blog.
How Are Heart and Oral Health Related?
February 27, 2021
Valentine’s Day is a widely celebrated holiday in February, but there is another reason to be thinking about your heart. This month is Heart Health Month. There is no better time for you to learn about how your cardiovascular and oral healthy are related. In order to keep your heart strong, you should be focusing on your oral hygiene routine. Continue reading to learn about their connection.
February 22, 2021
This is a phrase we hear far too frequently when patients call to cancel or change their dental hygiene appointments. When the patient is told that there are no open hygiene appointments for 4-6 months, the response is often, “Oh, that’s okay, it’s just a cleaning.” This lack of concern is only partly to blame on the patient; most of the accountability falls in the lap of the dental team.
If you read this column with any frequency, I am sure you have seen me report that 75% of the population has some form of periodontal (gum) disease. I’m sure you have also read that periodontal disease has been linked to heart disease, stroke, pre-term, low birth-weight babies, diabetes, and possibly even some types of cancer. The problem is the dental team is not discussing this enough with their patients.
Here’s the way I see it: If a patient has made the decision to seek the services of a dental office, we must assume that the reason is based on wanting to improve and/or maintain their dental health. If that’s not the reason you go to the dentist, what is? Patients will often say during an exam, “Please don’t find anything.” Our response may be, “Well then, I better not look.” Assuming the reason for going to a dental office is to improve and/or maintain dental health as part of overall health, it is the obligation of the dental team to “find stuff” if it’s there, communicate that with the patient, and have a conversation about whether any steps should be taken.
For example, based on your level of periodontal health, there are different levels of frequency recommended for hygiene visits. The majority of patients should be seen every 6 months. Some are lucky enough to have yearly visits recommended to them. For others, every 3 or 4 months is recommended. This frequency is determined by your dental team to maintain your dental health. Regardless, if you put off your routine care by 1, 2 or even 6 months, that is a lot of time to have bacterial growth accumulate and put your body into a defensive mode due to increased inflammation. This brings me back to the reason you have chosen to be an active dental patient.
Remember, gum disease is not only bad because it makes your breath stink and your teeth fall out; it is bad for you systemically because of chronic inflammation. You may very well not notice an increase in inflammation, but your body does. There are measurable indicators of this.
If your goal is optimal health, routine maintenance is essential. I tell my team all the time that we must continue to educate the people who put their trust in us to maintain their dental health.
Depending on your car, there is a recommended maintenance schedule. If you ignore the recommended maintenance, only bad things can happen. You may be able to “stretch it out” a little, but must understand there are risks associated with that decision. If you knew how bad chronic inflammation really was for you, you would want to be seen more frequently than you are.
There are obviously valid reasons why patients need to change an appointment. Most dental offices understand that. It is the frequency, attitude (It’s just a cleaning), and lack of commitment that causes both disruption within the dental office and discontinuity of care.
Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Newburyport dedicated to health-centered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them to him at jpstclair@stclairdmd.com. You can view all previously written columns at www.jpeterstclairdentistry.com/blog.
February 17, 2021
“There’s not enough time in the day.” Have you ever used this excuse? I said it yesterday to someone. We all tend to waste a lot of time, or at least don’t use the time we have as effectively as we could. You would think that in our technology-filled world, time management would be easier. I think that some of this technology gets in the way by adding even more of a time commitment to things that reduce interpersonal communication.
Here’s an example. It’s time to buy a new car. There are many different car brands, and within those brands are many models. No matter what dealership you go to, they will gather a minute amount of information about you, or maybe none at all, but guaranteed, they have a car on their showroom floor that they tell you is the right car for you. They will spend a countless amount of time talking about the many new features that their brand has, and the options between different models. If the salesman worked for a different car company, or if you went to a different dealership, you would hear the same reasons why that brand is right for you. Their goal is to sell you a car.
Dental offices can be like that too. If the dentist spent all their time talking about the array of technological gadgets and how they were right for you, how would you feel? You would feel like you were trying to be “sold” something. Having said that, there are many great technological gadgets that improve the whole experience of patient care out there. There are also many ways to do most things, but technology is not the solution; it is simply a tool used in patient care.
Branding draws us in. You may have a preconceived notion that a particular make of car is what you “need”, or see a dental advertisement that attracts your attention, such as “invisible” braces. However, there are many different brands of cars and dental aligners that would satisfy your needs.
Whether it is a car or teeth, there are often gaps between the “seller” and the “buyer”. There is a gap between what we really need and what we think we need. There is another gap between what the dentist or salesman thinks we need, and what we think we need. And, more specifically, there is often a serious gap between the value most dentists have, and the value they feel they can discuss with patients. Sometimes we feel we don’t have the time to discuss these things, and other times we are afraid we will scare you away.
Dental care is such an important part of overall wellness. Remember, just because it doesn’t hurt does NOT necessarily mean everything is okay. Collaboration with a dental team who puts the patient’s best interests first is key to good dental care.
Dentists and dental team members need to communicate facts and truths. They need to convey expertise and enthusiasm. This goes back to the idea of time I have mentioned so often in the past. Dentists and dental teams need to spend time with patients, be involved with co-diagnosing issues with patients, not hard-selling with little information. This creates a caring environment where the patient can be involved in the process of choosing the level of care that is right for them.
Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Newburyport dedicated to health-centered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them to him at jpstclair@stclairdmd.com. You can view all previously written columns at www.jpeterstclairdentistry.com/blog.
February 8, 2021
Patients see things differently than dentists. Often, what is important to dentists is not important to patients, and vice versa. This seems like the obvious, but dentists often have a blind spot when it comes to seeing things from a patient’s viewpoint.
We often have a similar blind spot in our ability to communicate with patients. When asked to rate their ability to communicate with patients, 60% of physicians rated themselves in the top 10%.
Dentists would probably have similar results.
Communication is key to any relationship. Why then do healthcare professionals, dentists specifically, often have poor communication skills with their patients? There is no one answer to this question, but we (dentists) all struggle with communicating with patients at some level…..and COVID doesn’t make it any easier by always needing to have a mask on during conversations.
Dentists often get a bad rap – in the media, interpersonally, and even in the movies. We (dentists) are often starting at a disadvantage in the relationship with our patients. Some patients, who may really need and want care, have preconceived notions, such as fear without basis, an unpleasant past experience, or the idea that they just can’t afford it. It is more difficult to build a trusting relationship in these situations. Of course, there are many patients who love their dental office, but there are still even many of those patients who dentists have trouble communicating with.
I think the biggest problem we (dentists) have in many of these communication issues is time. Dentistry is a business, and an expensive business to run efficiently. When time is money, dental income to support the business comes from work being done in the chair. This creates yet another blind spot for the dentist.
Dentists may be great tooth fixers but in general are poor communicators. Anyone can drill on a tooth but not everyone has meaningful communication skills. When was the last time a dentist sat down with you for an extended conversation to discuss your personal situation, the importance and relevance to getting good dental care, and its significance to systemic health? When was the last time a dentist helped you work through your particular barrier (fear, money, time, lack of concern, trust) to getting a healthier mouth? I know I have room for improvement.
Meaningful communication skills come more easily to some than others. For most of us, it seems it is always a work in progress. I’m sure you can think of numerous past experiences of poor communication and realize later how the situation could have been better handled. I can think of many. Our way of communicating is often engrained in us. If we wish to improve our communication skills, we (dentists and everyone) must first become aware or more mindful of these interactions. Only then can we work on improving this skill. That takes time, and time is again a factor.
Dentists need to recognize, fully understand and be able to manage the different barriers that prevent patients from getting the care they deserve. Every patient has their own issues, their own concerns, their own personality and their own true or false notions about dentists and dentistry.
Relationships take time to develop. Talk with your dentist about anything that is holding you back from improving your dental health. These conversations build trust. Trust is the key factor in the dentist-patient relationship.
….to be continued
Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Newburyport dedicated to health-centered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them to him at jpstclair@stclairdmd.com. You can view all previously written columns at www.jpeterstclairdentistry.com/blog.
February 1, 2021
You may have heard your dental hygienist tell you to brush and floss more, but what about chewing more gum?
In a study published in PLOS One, researchers found that chewing gum may remove as much bacteria as brushing without toothpaste or flossing. The study was funded by Wrigley……ok, but it’s still interesting.
“This study was initiated as a method development study to determine the number of bacteria that are trapped in a piece of sugar-free gum,” said one of the authors. “According to our knowledge, this is the first time that an estimate of the number of bacteria trapped in a piece of chewed gum is determined.”
For their research, Wessel and colleagues included five healthy volunteers from the department of biomedical engineering and asked them to chew two types of commercially available sugar-free chewing gums for varying amounts of time up to 10 minutes.
“We discuss [in the study] that by targeting different areas in the mouth, sugar-free chewing gum removes comparable amounts of bacteria to those removed by flossing and a clean toothbrush without toothpaste,” Wessel said. “This was done for perspective only and not meant to compare effectiveness of both techniques.”
The researchers used numerous methods to quantify and qualify numbers of oral bacteria trapped in chewed gum. What they concluded was that daily gum chewing reduces the bacterial load in the oral cavity over time.
The maximum bacteria were trapped during the initial chewing period, after which a slow decrease over time up to 10 minutes was observed. This decline was seen with both methods regardless of the type of gum involved.
While the initial gum bases are most adhesive to oral bacteria, continued chewing changes the structure of the gum and decreases the hardness because of salivary uptake and release of water-soluble components, the study authors noted.
“This presumably affects the adhesion of bacteria to the gum, causing a release of initially trapped, more weakly adhering bacteria from the gum,” they wrote.
They reported that, assuming a volume of saliva of around 1 ml, their results indicate that chewing one piece of gum removes around 10% of the oral microbial load in saliva. They compared this to use of a new, clean toothbrush without any toothpaste, and found that it removed about the same amount of bacteria as the gum chewing. The mechanical action of floss removes a comparable number of bacteria, as established in an unpublished pilot study.
The authors emphasized that brushing and flossing remain more effective in reaching many areas in the mouth, and that sugar-free chewing gum should not be seen as a replacement, but as an addition to both techniques. The study findings may promote the development of gum that selectively removes specific disease-related bacteria from the human oral cavity, for instance by using porous type calcium carbonate, the authors noted.
Chew in moderation.
Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Newburyport dedicated to health-centered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them to him at jpstclair@stclairdmd.com. You can view all previously written columns at www.jpeterstclairdentistry.com/blog.
January 25, 2021
For example, most people use the term “Novocain”. Even dentists, including myself, use this term daily to describe the local anesthetic used to anesthetize or “numb” teeth before they are worked on. Novocain, apparently still available for purchase, has not been used in dentistry for probably 100 years, but we still use the term because everyone seems to know what we mean. We may say “Novocain” but that is not what we are writing in your medical record.
Another term that is commonly used by patients and those in the dental office is “cleaning”. This term is a poor choice of words to accurately describe the service that a hygienist performs. The problem with this word is that it downplays the actual procedure. “I need to cancel my cleaning appointment. Oh, you don’t have anything for me for 2 months? That’s okay, it’s just a cleaning”, is commonly heard in the dental office.
We say “cleaning” because it’s easier than saying, “We’ll see you Monday, Mary, for your periodontal maintenance and exam which includes a full periodontal exam, scaling and polishing of all surfaces of the teeth, full dental exam, oral cancer screening and an update from the doctor to review this information with you.” If you have, or should have your teeth cleaned every 3-6 months, the word “cleaning” to describe the service being performed is very inaccurate.
The term “crown”, or “cap” as some people use, usually make patients cringe. “I need a crown? I thought I just needed the filling replaced”, is common to hear. Patients tend to think that they are losing their tooth if they need a crown. While this is not the case, what if the dentist said that you need an onlay? Have you heard that term?
I read an article in the paper recently entitled, “Are Crowns Made in a Day Worth the No Wait?” This article describes some of the uses of CAD/CAM (computer-aided-design / computer-aided milling) technology to produce “crowns” for teeth the same day in the dental office. The technology is used in about 10-15% of dental offices.
In the article mentioned above, there was not one mention of the term onlay. An onlay, or partial crown, for lack of a better description, is one of the major advantages of CAD/CAM technology. It often allows the dentist to perform more minimally invasive dentistry for specific teeth.
The primary focus of the article was to point out that these CAD/CAM crowns may not be the best choice for patients or dentists if used on front teeth. The argument is that a dental ceramist in a dental laboratory can make “prettier” teeth than a dentist can in a dental office. While this may be true for some circumstances, the column downplayed some of the major advantages I see with the use of this technology. We say “crown” but it really means, “an indirect, bonded, protective restoration.” A “crown” may cover the whole tooth or just part of the tooth.
The materials we use and the services we perform in the dental office are constantly changing. Let the dentist and dental hygienists use their knowledge, skills and technology to do great things to care for your dental health. Don’t get hung-up on words. Ask questions! Keep an open mind and become an active participant in your dental health.
Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Newburyport dedicated to health-centered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them to him at jpstclair@stclairdmd.com. You can view all previously written columns at www.jpeterstclairdentistry.com/blog.