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J. Peter St. Clair, DMD Blog


December 22, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. J. Peter St. Clair, DMD @ 12:01 pm

At the end of each of the past 16 years, I have used this space to publish these 21 Suggestions for Success authored by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

Cut this out and put it on the refrigerator. Read this list often and take these suggestions to heart. The more of these you achieve, the better place you are for having your best year ever in 2022.



December 20, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. J. Peter St. Clair, DMD @ 12:34 pm

The two things you’re supposed to do to clean your teeth: Brush & Floss. Any of you have your hygienist get on your case about not flossing? You may be the best brusher in the world, but if you’re not cleaning between your teeth, we know it. Cleaning between the teeth is essential for good oral health, AND good overall health.

To reiterate, we need to think about brushable surfaces vs. non-brushable surfaces in the mouth. Floss, which is basically a piece of string, is great after eating corn-on-the-cob. Other than that, using an oral irrigator (water flosser), is much better at cleaning the non-brushable areas in the mouth.

Clinically, we usually see significant improvement in patients who add oral irrigation to their homecare routine. However, if you look at the research available, it is weak, just like that for flossing. There are just not a lot of studies that have been done. But anecdotally, I can tell you it is a game-changer for many.

The Waterpik® packaging says that oral irrigation is 3X more effective than floss. These claims are from “independent” studies; basically, their own research. While floss can be effective for some, many people get much better results with oral irrigation. Disease starts in the areas that you cannot brush. Brushing alone is not enough for anyone. A jet stream of water is great at disrupting the millions of bacteria living under your gumline. (more…)


December 13, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. J. Peter St. Clair, DMD @ 12:52 pm

If you have kids, and you take them to the dentist, I am sure you have heard about sealants. Many, if not most dentists recommend dental sealants.

A dental sealant is a flowable resin, generally placed on permanent 6 and 12-year molars. It is placed in the grooves on the top of the teeth. Its purpose is to help prevent decay from forming in this area, which is the most common place for dental decay to occur. It does nothing in the prevention of decay between teeth, or on any of the other 20 teeth in the mouth – although the molars are generally the first teeth to decay.

Make sense so far? Now for the controversy. In my opinion, sealants have a very limited application. Let me take a step back and give you some information to help you see where I am coming from.

There are actually many different techniques to place sealants. The way we are taught in school, and the way most dentists determine if sealants are recommended, is how deep the grooves in the tooth are. Sealants are placed if that little sharp tool (dental explorer) doesn’t stick in the tooth. The surface of the tooth is cleaned (to the best of the operator’s ability) and the sealant is flowed into the grooves of the tooth and cured with an ultraviolet light. (more…)


December 6, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. J. Peter St. Clair, DMD @ 12:24 pm

Last week I discussed the importance of communication in any relationship, specifically the healthcare provider/patient relationship. Trust is mutually built as this relationship develops over time.

“There’s not enough time in the day.” Have you ever used this excuse? I said this yesterday to someone. We all tend to waste a lot of time, or at least don’t use the time we have as effectively as we could. You would think that in our technology-filled world, time management would be easier. Some of this technology actually gets in the way by adding even more of a time commitment to things that reduce interpersonal communication.

Here’s an example. It’s time to buy a new car. There are many different car brands and within those brands are many models. No matter what dealership you go to, they will gather a minute amount of information about you, or maybe none at all, but guaranteed, they have a car on their showroom floor that they tell you is the right car for you. They will spend a countless amount of time talking about the many new features that their brand has, and the options between different models. If the salesman worked for a different brand, or if you went to a different dealership, you would hear the same reasons why that brand is right for you. Their goal is to sell you a car. (more…)


November 29, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. J. Peter St. Clair, DMD @ 12:33 pm

Patients see things differently than dentists. Often, what is important to dentists is not important to patients and vice versa. This seems like the hysterical discovery of the obvious, but dentists often have a blind spot when it comes to seeing things from a patient’s viewpoint.

We often have a similar blind spot in our ability to communicate with patients. When asked to rate their ability to communicate with patients, 60% of physicians rated themselves in the top 10%.

Dentists would probably have similar results.

Communication is key to any relationship. Why then do healthcare professionals, dentists specifically, often have poor communication skills with their patients? There is no one answer to this question, but we (dentists) all struggle with communicating with patients at some level. (more…)


November 22, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. J. Peter St. Clair, DMD @ 12:34 pm

Happy Thanksgiving! While we may be giving thanks for the many blessings in our lives, we also often need to battle the stressors.

This time of year always seems more stressful, but stress in general is hard to avoid. We worry about school, work, finances, illness, children, relationships, and more. Some even worry about how much they worry. Not to add to your stress, but you should be aware that all that worrying could have a negative impact on not only your general health, but also your oral health.

According to an article in the Journal of Periodontology, there is a strong relationship between stress and periodontal disease (gum disease). In addition to stress, other psychological factors, such as anxiety, depression, and loneliness are linked to an increased likelihood of periodontal disease. (more…)


November 15, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. J. Peter St. Clair, DMD @ 2:34 pm

One of the most difficult areas to address as a dentist, are issues concerning aging patients, specifically those who require assisted or nursing care. Dental care tends to suffer with these patients and often leads to failing teeth. Prevention is key.

Whether you are the one making decisions for someone else, or you are older and can make your own decisions, it is easy to let home care and regular dental visits decrease as time goes on. Dental health needs to stay at the top of the priority list for many reasons. Quality of life and the link between oral health and systemic health are two big ones.

Older patients will often say, “I don’t need to fix that. How much longer do I really have to live?” And every time I respond the same way, “If you told me that you knew you weren’t going to be around next year I’d say I would agree with you…..but you’ve been saying the same thing for 15 years.” It’s worse when the patients lose key teeth, when they had the opportunity to keep them for their lifetime. (more…)


November 8, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. J. Peter St. Clair, DMD @ 12:38 pm

We all have people we look up to, whether in our personal or professional life.  One of those people in my professional life is the late Dr. LD Pankey. Dr. Pankey was a true visionary. There is an advanced dental education institute named after him in Florida, where dentists learn from his influential teachings.

I recently read an article he wrote in 1981, 8 years before his death. It is interesting to read some of the things he wrote, because it shows how little things have changed, and how well he understood people and his profession. I would like to share a few paragraphs from this piece:

“Another important element, then, in the future of dentistry is determining the answer to the question: why don’t more people with needs go to the dentist? In-depth studies on consumer attitudes have turned up a host of reasons, but one surpasses all the rest. Most people who fail to seek dental care fail because they don’t perceive their need. More astounding than that is the fact that the majority of people who do go to the dentist don’t perceive the need either!

If the public is ever to be enlightened about the importance of dental health, who will have to do the enlightening? I’ve never found anyone else I could depend on to do it. I had to build the one-to-one relationships with my patients that were needed to make my practice- and thus the future of dentistry- prosper and grow.

People with dental needs are out there, all right, but even when they do perceive their need, they must be assured there’s someone available who will identify with what they’re feeling and devote themselves to helping them to be healthy, happy and whole.” (more…)

Need a Crown? Choose the Best Material

November 5, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — jpeterstclair @ 1:31 am

Porcelain crown in dental labA dental crown remains the most common restorative procedure, despite countless advancements in dentistry. Placing a custom-made cap over the surface of a tooth is an effective method to improve the health and appearance of your smile. Various materials can be used to make your restoration, including those that look natural. Your dentist will explain the pros and cons of each during your initial consultation. Don’t feel overwhelmed by all the options. Here’s how to choose the best dental crown material for your smile.


November 1, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. J. Peter St. Clair, DMD @ 1:36 pm

Dentistry is one of those things in life….as with most things…. that people view in different ways. Some are interested in their appearance, some are interested in their health, some both, and others none of the above. A major role of health care providers is to make patients aware of the possibilities to improve their quality of life. When our services are perceived as a commodity, expectations are often not achieved.

Dentists play a key role in screening patients for many disorders relative to nutrition and in providing appropriate referrals into the health care system. Although the importance of integrating diet and nutrition guidance into dental care has been advocated for decades by educators, it continues to be ignored except by a handful of prevention-oriented practitioners. (more…)

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