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September 28, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. J. Peter St. Clair, DMD @ 11:29 am

If you have read these columns in the past, you have seen me write about periodontal (gum) health and its relationship to systemic health. There is a slew of scientific evidence that poor periodontal health is not good for you systemically. It has been linked to heart disease, stroke, low birth weight babies, diabetes and more.

Gum tissue health is an easy thing for patients to be lax about, or even ignore. Why? The main reason is that gum problems do not hurt, unless they are so severe that tooth loss is inevitable. It is the chronic inflammation in the gum tissue, regardless of whether it hurts or not, that has the potential to affect your teeth and your general health over time.

How many times have you been to the dentist and heard, “Mr. Smith, you have a lot more bleeding than you should around your gums”? You then respond by saying, “My gums don’t bleed when I brush.” And you hear, “You need to brush better.” Then it happens all over again the next time you are at the dentist.

If the goal is to keep your teeth and strive for good health, the scenario above is totally insufficient. We, dentists and patients, need to change our frame of mind about tissue health and really focus on the fact that chronic inflammation, anywhere in the body, is bad.  Tissue health is achievable in every single person. It is a matter of changing our views on what is acceptable and what is not acceptable that can make a difference.

Patients love dentists who say that everything looks fine. Sometimes that is the case. However, most of the time there is room for improvement. If there were things in your mouth that could be healthier, would you rather have a dentist say that everything looked okay, or one who made suggestions for better health? Keep an open mind and be willing to put the effort in to make a healthier you.

The oral cavity and the gum tissue around each and every tooth is a haven for bacteria. Everyone has bacteria. It is how well the bacteria are controlled that determines tissue health. Patients typically do not want to hear that they need treatment. If you went to the physician and you had signs of heart disease, would you rather hear, “Mr. Smith, you have signs of heart disease. Let’s wait until you have a heart attack and then treat it.” vs. “Mr. Smith, you have signs of heart disease. These are the things that you should do to help prevent the progression of the disease. Let’s work together on lowering your risk of problems in the future.”

I have said it before and I’ll say it again – the best thing you can do for yourself when it comes to your dental health is regular maintenance. Depending on a person’s needs, regular maintenance might be once a year for some, but every 2-3 months for someone else. Even if you have no dental benefits and are worried about needing a bunch of dental work, the best thing you can do for yourself is regular maintenance. Many dental offices have plans that are very reasonable to help you achieve better dental health.

The mouth is the gateway to the rest of the body – don’t ignore it.

Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Newburyport dedicated to health-centered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them to him at


September 21, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. J. Peter St. Clair, DMD @ 1:03 pm
Dental practices are as different as people are different.  Some practices may feel clinical and efficient, while others feel somewhat more home spun and laid back.  The dentist’s personality is reflected in his or her treatment preferences as well.  The fact that different dentists will suggest different plans to treat your condition does not necessarily mean that one plan is better than another. 

As I ended last week, the most important thing any health care provider can give is their time. Listening to patient desires and expectations is the key to a long-lasting dentist or other health care provider relationship. Patients who feel comfortable with their provider are able to be better participants in health care decisions. While insurance benefits are a consideration, it is most ideal to pick your health care provider based on other factors.

I’m sure with rare exception, dentists in general will suggest what they feel to be the very best for any given patient.  The differences between the treatment suggested by one dentist and that of another reflects that dentist’s preferences based on his or her experience. Thus, differing treatment plans do not necessarily reflect any deficiency in either dentist’s judgment.  

It is important to remember that there are numerous ways to treat the same situation, and it is always important for the dentist to tailor the treatment plan for each patient’s specific circumstances.  A major part of those circumstances may be financial, and since different treatment plans can vary a great deal in cost, it is helpful if the dentist takes the patient’s ability to pay into account. 

Think of treatment plans like various models of cars offered by different dealers.  All of the models are new, have warranties and will work well out of the lot.  The higher end models, however, have some advantages not found in the less expensive models.  Some options add years to the life of the car. Some add to the appearance and enjoyment of driving it. 

Dental treatment plans are like that too.  Saving a badly damaged tooth with a root canal and a crown will preserve it for a long time, but it is a significant investment, and the patient may opt for a much less expensive extraction instead.  Replacing a missing tooth may be done with a more costly implant or a much less expensive removable partial denture.  A dentist should be able to explain the advantages and disadvantages of the various options, and allow the patient to make the decision. 

We are all different. We all have different personalities, skill sets, interests and faults. No two dentists can perform exactly the same technical procedure in exactly the same way.  As a matter of fact, no single dentist can perform exactly the same procedure exactly the same way twice in a row!  There are many variable factors that determine how well something is done, and how long it lasts. The patient does not have control of many of these factors, but what you do have control of is your ability to choose your provider.

Whether or not you have any dental benefits from an employer or other situation, finding an office you like and trust is the best investment you can make for your dental health. Consistency with personal and professional maintenance is key!

Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Newburyport dedicated to health-centered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them to him at You can view all previously written columns at


September 14, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. J. Peter St. Clair, DMD @ 11:21 am

I attended a continuing education course a while back entitled “Hit Man or Healer?” The course was given by a well-known leader in the dental profession. The basic premise of the course was the notion that we have a lot more science, studies and data available today to be able to make better decisions about the treatment that we dentists recommend to patients. The concept is called evidence-based dentistry.

The idea is that if a very structured examination and diagnosis is done, treatment recommendations can be made based on science. The problem is, all too often the diagnosis leads to suggestions that without the proper dialogue can make the dentist look like a “hit man” (ie. patient perception of over-treatment) vs. “healer” (intervention with the intention to preserve the teeth better for the long-term).

The lecturer started by putting an image of a person’s teeth on the screen and asking the audience to guess how old the person was. My father and brother are veterinarians. They use the appearance of teeth to estimate an animal’s age. Although it is relatively easy to estimate a person’s age during transition from the primary teeth to permanent teeth, it is apparently a little more difficult when all the permanent teeth are in. I guessed the age of the patient on the screen to be between 50 and 60.

The patient had great looking teeth. You could tell the person was a mature adult by the darkening of the teeth, but there was very little wear and very minimal dentistry. The patient ended up being 94 years old, which was more evident when her full face was projected on the screen…..although she looked great in general for 94. The lecturer said, “Is this the way teeth should look at 94 or is this woman a freak of nature?”

While there are definitely genetic factors that may play a role, many of the problems we see today with teeth are 100% preventable. For example, dental decay is 100% preventable. However, it is still not uncommon today to have a patient (maybe a teenager or an older person on multiple medications with dry mouth) come in for a routine dental hygiene appointment and be told they have decay, or multiple areas of decay, which were not present 6 months ago. In that scenario the dentist would be considered the “hit man”.

The “healer” may have taken a different approach, and may have done a more thorough evidence-based evaluation and made recommendations based on diet, homecare habits and maybe even familial history that could prevent the decay in the first place. Dentists have gotten good at telling patients how they can “fix” the problem, but need to consider changing their thinking and get more training in how to “prevent” the problems we see today in dentistry.

Many of the basic principles learned in dental school are used on a routine basis. However, there is continuous new data emerging that we as health care providers need to expose ourselves to and decide on what and how to implement for the benefit of our patients. I hope to see major advancements in our approach to oral health care in my career. There is no reason you can’t live to 94 and have a great set of teeth.

As I have said numerous times over the last few weeks, and you will hear it again next week too: Unfailing routine professional maintenance is a key factor in achieving and maintaining dental health. Don’t just hope you’re a freak of nature.

Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Newburyport dedicated to health-centered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them to him at


September 8, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. J. Peter St. Clair, DMD @ 11:37 am

I attended a continuing education seminar before COVID entitled, “Making it Easy for Patients to Say Yes”. The name of the seminar is a bit deceiving. You might think that it was about how to “sell” people into dental treatment. It was quite the opposite.

I am a firm believer in educating patients about their own dental health with the help of things like photography, which I discussed last week.  I also think it is important to spend as much time as necessary to bring the patient’s dental I.Q. to a level that allows them to make more educated decisions about the degree of dental health they wish to achieve. Some people require more time than others, and some are not interested in the dialogue.

Although this seminar did confirm that educated patients make better decisions, it highlighted the fact that it is more important for the dentist to understand the patient, and where they are in their life. In order for this to happen, time is needed to build relationships with people.

This sounds pretty basic. However, the presenter of this seminar, who is a well-known figure in the dental world, felt that this relationship-based aspect of dental care is missing in most dental offices. Why? The cost to run a dental business, and many times the influence from insurance companies, creates the need to speed things up. Shortening the time the dentist/physician spends with the patient is a common goal in health care these days.

Most patients who require extensive dental treatment know that they have issues. They may not understand the extent of their issues, but they know things are not right. It is easy to move patients toward treatment if they have pain or something is broken. However, patients who may not have pain or broken teeth, but still have dental needs, require a different approach.

Before any educating is done, or before any treatment is discussed, it is vital for the dentist to understand more about the person behind the teeth. Sure, there are patients who come into an office and just want a tooth extracted, or know they need a root canal, but most people who go to the dentist have the desire to keep their teeth and be healthy. The fact of the matter is, even if the patient knows they need extensive work, they may not be in the right place in their lives to accomplish this goal.

There is no disputing that dentistry can be expensive, especially if you are in need of significant work. I wish there were more affordable options out there for people who require more extensive care. You can choose lower cost options such as franchised dental offices, where you may not see the same dentist every time, or you can choose one of the many great private dentists we have in our area.  However, the key is – what is suitable for you? The dental insurance industry is a broken system, and it is unfortunately getting worse. Your provider should be who you want to take care of you, not who a company says you have to see. Use whatever dental benefits you have but develop a relationship with a provider who takes the time to understand your specific situation.

Does a real estate agent show everyone the same house? Do they show everyone the most expensive house? No; they show them what fits into their life at that particular time. Dentistry should be approached the same way. It may not be the right time in your life to have the four-bedroom house and the three-car garage. But, having a good solid roof over your head that is comfortable is important to everyone. You can always upgrade.

The absolute key to better dental health is regular maintenance.

Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Newburyport dedicated to health-centered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them to him at

How Bad Is Sugar for Your Teeth?

September 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. J. Peter St. Clair, DMD @ 12:11 am

Most of us like a sweet treat or beverage every once in a while, even though we have always been told that sugar impacts oral health. But how bad is it? It seems like sugar is added into everything these days which makes it incredibly difficult to avoid. Continue reading to learn exactly what sugar does to your teeth, what you should cut out of your diet, and what you can use instead that won’t cause harm to your smile.


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