August 26, 2019

Gathered from various sources:
50% consider the smile the first facial feature they notice.
80% are not happy with their smile.
Smile enhanced procedures outnumber eyelid surgeries 5 to 1.
32% of Americans cite bad breath as the least attractive trait of their co-workers.
38.5 total days an average American spends brushing teeth over lifetime.
73% of Americans would rather go grocery shopping than floss.
60% of people don’t know that a sore jaw, when combined with chest pain, can signal a heart attack, especially in women.
Dentists recommend that a toothbrush be kept at least six (6) feet away from a toilet to avoid airborne particles resulting from the flush.
A toothpick is the object most often choked on by Americans.
Every year, kids in North America spend close to half a billion dollars on chewing gum.
The number of cavities in the average mouth is down and people are
keeping their teeth longer. People, on average, have healthier mouths than even
10 years ago.
The decline in tooth decay was greatest among kids but holds across every age
Only 40% of young people age 6 to 19 have ever had a cavity in their lives. That’s down from 50% a decade ago.
Over the last ten years the proportion of people age 60 that had lost all their teeth had decreased from 33% to 25%.
Adults with post-high-school degrees had an average of three more teeth than those without a high school diploma.
Smokers remain three times more likely than non-smokers to lose all their
teeth. This figure has not changed from a decade ago.
Socio-economic status plays a definite role in one’s general and dental health.
33% of low-income adults have untreated decay. This compared with 16% of middle- and higher-income adults. 19% of kids living in poverty have untreated decay compared with 8% of higher-income kids.
More people use blue toothbrushes than red ones.
Like fingerprints, everyone’s tongue print is different
The average woman smiles about 62 times a day! A man? Only 8!
Kids laugh around 400 times a day. Grown-ups just 15.
Smilers in school yearbooks are more likely to have successful careers and marriages than their poker-faced peers.
August 19, 2019

It is common sense that infected teeth, whether they hurt or not, or are broken down beyond repair, should be removed. We also all know by now that there are mouth-body connections and that the mouth is the “gateway” to the rest of the body. There is no disputing that a healthy mouth is better for you on many levels. However, in a recently released study, the guidelines for treatment of some types of dental problems prior to specific surgery need closer consideration.
According to a study in an issue of The Annals of Thoracic Surgery, removing an infected tooth prior to cardiac surgery may increase the risk of major adverse outcomes, including risk of death prior to surgery. This is a very specific study for a very specific group of patients. It does suggest considering postponing dental problems prior to any surgery.
Dental extraction of abscessed or infected teeth is often performed to decrease the risk of infection during surgery and endocarditis (an inflammation of the inner layer of the heart) following surgery. In this particular study, physician researchers evaluated the occurrence of major adverse outcomes in 205 patients who underwent at least one dental extraction prior to planned cardiac surgery. The median time from dental extraction to cardiac surgery was 7 days (average 35 days).
One of the researchers explained, “Guidelines from the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association label dental extraction as a minor procedure, with the risk of death or non-fatal heart attack estimated to be less than 1%. Our results, however, documented a higher rate of major adverse outcomes, suggesting physicians should evaluate individualized risk of anesthesia and surgery in this patient population.”
In this study, patients who underwent dental extraction prior to cardiac surgery experienced an 8% incidence of major adverse outcomes, including new heart attack, stroke, kidney failure and death. Overall, 3% of patients died after dental extraction and before the planned cardiac surgery could be performed. Another of the researchers went on to say, “With the information from our study we cannot make a definitive recommendation for or against dental extraction prior to cardiac surgery. We recommend an individualized analysis of the expected benefit of dental extraction prior to surgery weighed against the risk of morbidity and mortality as observed in our study.”
This study, as in many “new” studies, awakens us to consider a departure from current lines of thinking about specific situations. This paradigm shift of thinking has also been noted in the use of prophylactic antibiotics prior to dental procedures in those with cardiac conditions.
Prophylactic antibiotics have routinely been prescribed for patients undergoing dental work who also had existing heart problems because it had been accepted that there is a link between dental bacteremia and endocarditis. Individuals with pre-existing heart problems tend to have a higher incidence of endocarditis. The American Heart Association and others have withdrawn support for this practice of prophylactic antibiotics because the danger from overuse of antibiotics outweighs any other potential risks. Regular tooth brushing, flossing, and even chewing gum are now recognized to dislodge as much, if not more, bacteremia than most dental procedures.
Prevention of dental problems is the best line of defense. Regular professional maintenance, especially as we age, is important to our overall health. Talk with your dentist and physician about your specific situations.
Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Newburyport dedicated to health-centered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them to him at You can view all previously written columns at
August 12, 2019
In the last couple of columns I discussed the state of dental insurance in 2019. If you missed them you can read them at or my blog. The basic gist was that the dental insurance industry has not changed significantly in 40 years.
It’s great if you get dental insurance from your employer for regular dental hygiene visits and have relatively small amounts of dental work to do. However, there are only a few reasons to purchase dental insurance on your own, even if you need a significant amount of dentistry. In this column, I will discuss the best strategies to get the dental care you need.
One thing is certain; most dental problems do not go away, and almost always get worse over time. Although pain is a good indicator that there is a problem, pain is also not a good indicator that there is not a problem. Many, if not most, dental problems do not cause pain. Cavities, gum disease, wear or erosion of the teeth, often do not cause pain until there is a significant problem, which then requires extensive and expensive treatment to solve. Therefore, the first and most important strategy is regular dental visits.
All too often I see people who have not been seeing a dentist on a regular basis and then have a problem that brings them to the dental office. The most reported reasons for having not been to a dentist are lack of insurance or lack of concern because “everything has felt fine up until now”.
As in most things in life, we have to make choices about what to do with our time and our money. Dentistry is no different. It is a mindset and a budgeting issue. If you value your health and overall self-care, regular maintenance visits to your dentist are the best thing you can do for yourself. If you have any type of dental insurance, at least you have some coverage for this. If you do not have dental insurance, budgeting the average $30 per month it costs over a year to have your teeth cleaned, x-rayed and examined is a smart move, and doable for most.
After you have made the decision to budget for maintenance, regardless of how much other dentistry you need, or think you need, the second key is to be in a dental office that you are comfortable with. It is vital for there to be a mutual level of trust and respect. It is imperative for the dental office to understand you, the patient; where you are in your life, and how to get the most important thing out of your decision to seek care – to keep your teeth healthy for your lifetime.
There is no disputing that dentistry costs money, regardless of whether you have any coverage or not. Dental insurance is not intended to cover 100% of dental needs. There are so many options out there for people who require more extensive care. However, the key is – what is suitable for you? Patients need to be guided into care and not sold a commodity. There are many reasons that individuals choose a specific provider, but the most important factor is if you feel good about where you are.
When you go to buy a house, does the real estate agent show everyone the same house? No. They show them what fits into their life at that particular time. Dentistry should be approached the same way. It may not be the right time in your life to have the four bedroom house and the three car garage. But, having a good solid roof over your head that is comfortable is important to everyone. This is regular dental maintenance. You can always upgrade.
Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Newburyport dedicated to health-centered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them to him at You can view all previously written columns at
August 6, 2019

Last week I explained how dental insurance works in general, and why there is no “good” dental insurance. This week I will break down the general differences between dental insurances, offer some things to consider when using your dental insurance, and when it makes sense to consider purchasing insurance if you don’t have it.
We get asked just about daily by patients who are either self-employed or are not offered insurance through their employer, “Should I consider getting dental insurance?” In most cases, it does not make sense to purchase dental insurance on your own. This goes back to last week’s column as to how dental “insurance” is set up to begin with.
As I discussed last week, all dental insurance companies set a limit as to how much they will “pay-out” on an annual basis. The industry average is $1000 per year, which has not changed since the inception of dental insurance back in the 1970’s. The premiums for individual dental insurance run around the $700 range. This leaves the patient with a net gain of $300 from the insurance company. This especially does not make sense if you typically only have your teeth cleaned a couple of times a year. The only way purchasing your own insurance may make sense is if you are looking to cover your entire family. You should discuss these factors with your dental office prior to making the decision. Key: You should be the one to make the decision who you pick as a dental office, not an insurance company…..that company may change next year.
In dentistry, there are a few types of dental insurance available. There are “open” insurance plans, where patients can go to whoever they want and a certain percentage of the fee will be covered depending on the procedure. The other types of insurance are PPO’s, HMO’s and discount plans or “clubs”. With these types of insurance, the dentist has to sign a contract with the insurance company and abide by a pre-set limit they can charge for all procedures. While this may sound good from a patient perspective, there are other things to consider.
Many private dental offices are being bought-up by larger corporations across the country. In general, the business model of these practices is to see a higher volume of patients. There will be less and less privately-owned dental practices as time goes on. However, in our area right now, most dental offices are small businesses. The decision for the dentist to sign-up for a particular plan depends on many factors.
As a consumer, and patient, you have to be the one to decide what is important to you. Keep in mind that dentistry is not a commodity. Dentistry should be relationship based. Approaching it this way will give you the best opportunity to get the level of care that is right for you.
Please keep in mind: Insurance does not equal health. Health requires investment and personal responsibility. Better access to care across the general population is a topic for another time. Right now, you have full control in managing your dental health care. You should talk to your dental office about any concerns you have.
Next week I will discuss the costs of dental care for those with or without dental insurance and ways to get what you want with regards to your dental health.
Dr. St. Clair maintains a private dental practice in Rowley and Newburyport dedicated to health-centered family dentistry. If there are certain topics you would like to see written about or questions you have please email them to him at You can view all previously written columns at
5 Surprising Health Foods That Can Wreak Havoc On Your Children’s Teeth
August 4, 2019

When you think of “healthy” foods, do you only consider them that because they’re low in fat or simply marketed that way? You’ll be surprised to know that some of the foods you consider good for your body and overall health and wreak total havoc on your mouth, according to a children’s dentist. As a parent, packing your child’s lunch is a big task to take on because you want to promote making nutritional choices in the future. Before you go out to buy snacks and drinks to make the first week of school lunches, you should know these five surprising health foods you’ll want to avoid.